Anachronism Cantina

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Maps? Tournament?

Ladies and germs, here's the tentative idea for the April 1/2 tournament: it's all about the maps!

What I need from every interested player is the names of three cultures. They should be in this format: Home/Russian - Ally/Spanish - Alternate/Saracen.

Here's what they mean: The tournament will be a 3-warrior stable, again. There are restrictions, though. All cards in your stable must be from either your Home or Ally culture. Of your three warriors, two must be from your Home culture, the other from the Ally culture. Of your three decks, one must be culture shock, the other two must not be culture shock.
(the Alternate designation is just in case multiple people want the same cultures)

Preference will be given to the cultures chosen in the League. You will notice that some name are already written on the maps. Zarecki, Steph, and Kristen aren't on them, but have first dibs on Irish, Briton, and Egyptian.